Bill Arcand (W1WRA)

How long have you been a Ham?

I was first licensed in 1999 as KB1EFZ. I started the hobby interested in VHF+ weak signal work (mostly SSB ). While mainly on HF these days, I have been exploring getting back into 2-meter and above weak signal work.

What mode(s) within Amateur Radio do you enjoy operating?

I enjoy both phone (analog and digital) and various digital data modes. It’s hard to pick just 1, but nothing beats a good old-fashioned voice rag chew.

Describe your involvement with GSARA.

For those who may not know, I am the President of the GSARA.

What is one piece of advice you would give a new Ham?

My advice for any ham is to be bold and explore different aspects of the hobby. It could be trying a new mode of operation, building your first antenna, building a radio kit, checking into a net, doing your first POTA activation, etc. There are many areas of the hobby to explore and learn, and our club has many members who have done many of these things and can assist and advise you.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

Aside from ham radio, I am an avid shortwave and scanner listener with a strong interest in software-defined radio (TX and RX). While I enjoy firing up my National Radio or Hallicrafters tube receivers, I also enjoy tuning into signals with my FlexRadio or any other SDR receivers I have.


Eric Pfeifer (N1JUR)