Consistent practice is one of the best ways to support each other in our CW journeys. One way to practice is by using CW on VHF or HF. However, there can be challenges with propagation, antennas, and geographic location, making consistency difficult.

Fortunately, Ham Radio Solutions created a great solution called V-Band to solve this problem! The designers created V-Band because they didn't want to feel embarrassed on the air. With V-Band, several people can connect their straight key or paddle to their computer using the VBand Adapter and practice a QSO with one or several others.

For less than $30 (including shipping), you can connect your favorite key and start practicing in real-time with others. I know that this isn't the "purist's" way of doing Morse code, but we're all trying to learn, and as the saying goes, "there's more than one way to solder on a coax connector.”

We meet once a week for an hour, and you can stay as long as you like. Tim (KC1QDK) is our coordinator and can help you with the details. If you already have a V-Band Adapter, you can join us.

Check out our club calendar for other scheduled CW Practice events

To learn more and join the practice fun, click here to email our coordinator.
(Tim KC1QDK)

Our Club Member Tim (KC1QDK) also created a great video on setting up and using V-Band.

To learn more about VBand, visit their website at HamRadio Solutions or watch this great video from Charlie of Red Summit RF.

Practice Resources used in our Sessions